Voice Acting Realities: My Story and Desire.

Voice Acting Realities: My Story and Desire.

After absolutely STUMBLING my way into the Voice Over industry, what I’ve always wanted to do is help beginners in this industry avoid that struggle and establish a solid foundation. When I started, as is the case for many people, I had no clear direction and was led...

No More Going at It Alone

No More Going at It Alone

In my quest to help newer voice talent get established, on top of posting blogs with specific, actionable advice, I want to create a medium that you can directly communicate with me through. At the moment, I will be using an email address you can send questions to...

A Beginner’s Roadmap into Voice Acting

A Beginner’s Roadmap into Voice Acting

First things first, air out all the questions regarding this business to ensure this is something you realistically want to do. Look into the different genres, the investment requirements, the oodles of learning and training, the day-to-day responsibilities, and any...

The Checklist for Picking a Voice Acting Coach

The Checklist for Picking a Voice Acting Coach

Finding a pro-level coach is probably one of the biggest decisions of your career. A coach will help separate you from the crowd. SO, it is VERY important you pick one who will not waste your time and your money, and who will actually teach you skills that will move...